Learning Live London 2016 – Litmos UK


Learning Live 2016 was another great success. What a fantastic group of L&D professionals! If you tend to judge the events you attend by size then you might want to reconsider. Smaller events like Learning Live are beginning to show up the larger events. Learning Live had all the right amounts of content and networking. Special thanks to all of the staff that put on that event. And thanks for having Litmos participate.

Litmos UK Office

Litmos is growing its presence in Europe and has an office in London. We sponsored the bags and also had a table in the expo. We had a lot of great conversations with fabulous L&D professionals interested in moving towards the future of learning with a new LMS like Litmos. You will be seeing a lot more of Litmos in Europe…stay tuned!

Virtual Reality isn’t the Future – It’s the Past, Present, …and Future!

I had the pleasure of being asked to speak about virtual reality this year. The expo had plenty of tech for people to see and experience including a VR training example, and an immersive driving simulator that felt like half VR…but still quite effective.

I will implore you to experience VR tech where ever you can find it to truly appreciate it. I’ve seen many skeptics turn believers after just one experience. And I’ve never seen a VR experience create doubts. The purpose of my presentation was to create believers by presenting the history of virtual reality as it has moved along the Gartner hype cycle. We are absolutely NOT at the beginning of the hype cycle as many wrongly believe. Gartner even placed VR up the slope of enlightenment. This is not a fad.

Litmos and LearnAppeal

The Litmos table was right next to the LearnAppeal table which was nice because we support their efforts offering eLearning in unconnected regions of the world. If you haven’t seen the LearnAppeal Capsule, check out their website and this video.

Elliott Masie Keynote

Elliott always delivers. He’s been a big part of this industry many years and has seen it all. His experiences span the globe and give him a view of the industry unmatched by any other. So, getting his take on the current state of our industry is always enlightening.

With his experiences with learning professionals around the globe he has witnessed first hand the changes in technology and how they impact learning. Elliott spoke of the legacy of L&D and rituals we cling too.  And everyone agreed that things must change. It was comforting to sit back and listen knowing that Litmos is way ahead of the game, and pushing our industry towards change instead of waiting for it.

Richard Wiseman Keynote

Experimental psychology might seem boring and dry, but Richard Wiseman makes it anything but that. He started off his presentation with a pretty decent magic trick and continued to entertain until the end. Very few speakers, and even fewer scientists, can pull off being informative and entertaining in public. This alone makes him a rare find.

Instead of attempting to recap his entire presentation I’ll encourage you to buy his book The Luck Factor. The Luck Factor was published in 2003 and Wiseman has written several books since then. His last 3 also have a lot to do with learning.

In closing I just wanted to take a moment to thank all of the fantastic Londoners I’ve come to know over the recent years. You all know who you are. Thank you for making me feel at home in England and continuing to be my friends and colleagues in this industry. Cheers!