Learning Styles – A Conversation with Will Thalheimer – Part 2


You’re staring at your computer screen and your heart sinks.

Weeks have gone by with no input from your manager on your latest (most likely brilliant) eLearning project.

What you’re staring at is an email asking for confirmation that you’ve taken into account the different learning styles of the employees required to take your training.

“…and as a former school teacher I’ve learned that every person is different and each has a unique learning style. Can you explain to me how your eLearning course addresses each of these for our employees?” – (hypothetical email quote from manager)

How do you respond?

A) Google “Learning Styles”. Spend your weekend reading everything you can on the different styles. Craft an email response making sure you’ve covered all the styles.

B) <facepalm> Send email reply with attachment titled Resignation Letter.

C) Consult a Learning Professional who directs you to willatworklearning.com.

Maybe the story is slightly different in your experience. Perhaps you are the manager requiring your training team to support learning styles. That doesn’t change one simple fact about learning styles that I learned years ago after meeting Dr. Will Thalheimer for the first time.

I spoke with Dr. Thalheimer to get the final word on Learning Styles. Many of you know the punch line, but so many more do not.

Here it is…

“There is no evidence that taking learning styles into account improves learning results.”


Help spread the word. Forget about learning styles and focus on proven science. In part 3 Will talks to us about his top 3 scientific methods for improving your learning solutions.