2 weeks
to launch
active users
culture of learning company-wide
As a multimodal agency that manages a wide range of business units, Tauranga City Council knew the value that technology such as an LMS could bring. But when it came to training, they weren’t capitalising on this. To ensure training across their organisation was standardised, efficient and cost-effective, Tauranga City Council wanted a structured and centralized learning platform in place. Previous approaches to training were inefficient and difficult to track. When considering online training options, they searched for an LMS that was easy to use, offered a quick integration, and most importantly, was cloud-based.
During their initial solution evaluations, the world was impacted by a global pandemic. COVID-19 bought about a new set of challenges in delivering training to a large number of people who were working from home. Given the general movement towards flexi-working, an alternative to traditional classroom-based training needed to be implemented.
Within two weeks, Tauranga City Council had signed with Litmos and rolled out their first course to over 900 employees.
Implementing an LMS has created the foundations for a significant step change in learning and development for our people. The fact that we were able to partner with Litmos to achieve this during lock-down, and in two weeks, shows what’s possible when you work with the right partners that are nimble and driven to meet our business needs.”
Allan Lightbourne
Chief Digital Officer, Tauranga City Council
Previously, Tauranga City Council had difficulty tracking completion rates and didn’t have an overview of what content had been assigned to which learners. The LMS was a way to bring all of this together. As firm believers that a comprehensive reporting functionality is a key feature of any LMS, Tauranga City Council are already making use of the Quick Reports feature. They plan to automate these reports, so team leaders have regular oversight over their workers’ ability and progression within their roles, as well being stepping stones able to link to development plans in the future. They are excited to see the impact powerful reporting will play across their learning environment.
The Litmos solution also offered the most flexibility and scalability around manager approvals. This was a big win for Tauranga City Council, who wanted to enable team managers to have autonomy over their content and reporting. With such a large and diverse organisation, split across many different types of business units and the added pressure of a global pandemic, this autonomy was crucial to Tauranga City Council’s decision. Since launching, they’ve already seen the benefits of the team hierarchies and escalation features. They believe this will continue to empower leaders within their roles and encourage different ways of sharing content across their organisation.
The LMS is contributing to a greater learning culture at Tauranga City Council, as workers are more frequently using the system. Team leaders are approaching the Digital Services team to discuss ways they can further leverage the system to engage their workers. The plan is to continue to build content, with a strategic focus, to develop a robust learning platform.
We’ve had a number of different business units come to Digital Services, to engage and discuss their strategy for learning. Now, we can say, ‘we can help you accelerate that’ for the benefit of the organisation.