The Most Popular Blog Posts for 2016

best blogs of 2016

It’s the end of the year and, in case you’ve missed the most popular blog posts throughout 2016, I’ve compiled the top 5 for you here. The act of reflection is a major learning theme for me this year and reviewing the year’s blog posts is a great reflection exercise. You end up wondering why certain topics/themes resonated with the industry while others did not. There is a lot involved including timing, title choice, writing style, and many others. But overall, for 2016 these 5 posts came out on top. Please enjoy!


How to Improve Learning Retention by Over 300% – Hint: Don’t Bore Me!


I attended the Edtech day of Phoenix Startup Week last week. And today some of the presentations went live on slideshare. The CEO of picmonic gave a presentation on Starting a Company in Arizona, and was not part of the edtech track. So I’m glad I stumbled onto their slideshare and their company called Picmonic. I’m always looking for new innovative learning solutions to share with the L&D industry and this got me thinking of a lot of things.

What got my attention was the scientific approach they took to solving a knowledge problem.

“The “visual learning platform” delivers content in the form of audiovisual mnemonic cards that currently cover nursing, medicine and MCAT test prep.”

And no, these aren’t just your average flashcards.

Before I continue, and potentially start to rant, I want you to take a look at this video.

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Why Instructional Design is No Longer Trending


Why has the interest in instructional design declined over the last 12 years? Some say it’s dead, others say it has evolved. But into what, nobody really knows. One thing is clear, the work we do as instructional designers has been disrupted. And there is no clear path to what is next. We hear about and discuss social learning, mobile learning, informal learning, and other terms. But the instructional design of these solutions is left out. Does that mean instructional design is no longer necessary? Do people just not care any more?

Historical Perspective on Instructional Design

There was a time when, training was requested, it meant classroom training because that was the only option. And there was a time before that when the school house was not quite so structured. During the industrial revolution we got really good at standardizing processes…for everything. So, of course, we defined processes and models for designing the perfect classroom learning experience. And then dispensed that template across the nation to every other school house. The school teacher was no longer on her own. He/she could simply acquire the curriculum on a particular subject. That came in the form of a student/teacher guide. And it was instructional designers who were needed to design those materials.  But then the digital revolution began.

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7 Mistakes Killing Your Career in Training


The job of “Training Professional” has evolved significantly over the last few decades. Much of the information and training within our own field is outdated. This is by no means a definitive list of issues or problems. These are simply ideas to get you rethinking about the work you do and how you do it.

#1 You’re Great at Training…and Like to Talk about it!

You like to talk shop. When anyone asks, you’re happy to tell them all about the cognitive theories of learning, and how your work is backed by the latest research. You share too much about “how the sausage is made”.

Everyone loves to talk about the work they do. And that is not a bad thing. But it depends on the intent of  each conversation. If someone asks you for a training course, do you explain the entire ADDIE process and each step in great detail? Stop doing that.

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5 eLearning Trends to Expect for the Next 10 years


What would you do if you had the power to travel back in time and offer some sage advice to your younger self? In this article, I’ll share 5 eLearning trends we expect to see in the coming years that could have a direct impact on your eLearning course design and career path.

What Will eLearning Be Like In 2026? Top 5 eLearning Trends To Expect For The Years To Come

There’s no definite way to tell what tomorrow will bring. However, you can get a good indication of what’s to come by taking a closer look at the past and present of eLearning. Tracking the evolution of eLearning authoring tools, Instructional Design technologies, and eLearning trends can offer you a glimpse of how the eLearning industry might be like a decade from now. So, get ready to travel into the future of eLearning, without having to pull the time machine out of the garage or polish up that crystal ball.

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10 Questions to Ask BEFORE You Start Developing Online Training Courses


The online training course development process starts long before you create your first storyboard or prototype. In this article, I will highlight 10 questions that every eLearning professional should ask before they start creating their next online training course.

What To Find Out BEFORE Developing Online Training Courses: 10 Questions To Ask

Planning and research are vital to the success of your online training program. You should learn as much as possible about the background of your online learners, the goals that must be achieved, as well as the performance gaps that need to be filled if you want to develop a succinct and successful online training course for your organization. Here are 10 questions that will help you narrow the scope of your online training program and ensure that all of the key takeaways are included.

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