Top 3 Reasons to Sell Training Courses Online

Offering your training courses online has tons of benefits that you may or may not be aware of. There are the obvious ones like saving money on travel, venues, catering and time but there may be others you hadn’t thought about.

Rich Brooks, President of Flyte New Media, has written a good post that highlights some more of the benefits called “SELLING INFORMATIONAL PRODUCTS ONLINE: E-BOOKS, ONLINE COURSES, SOFTWARE AND MORE “. Here are his top 3 reasons to sell information products online:

  1. ‘Putting a price on something gives it a (perceived) value. Free information is often worth only as much as you paid for it. It may also come across as a blatant infomercial for your own services, as opposed to unbiased information that may help your customer. By selling your expertise you increase its intrinsic worth.
  2. Informational products allow you to sell to do-it-yourselfers you wouldn’t have reached otherwise. There will always be a percentage of people who prefer to get their hands dirty. They do their own taxes, change their own oil, self-administer acupuncture. Rather than lose this business, you can help these self-starters reach their goals by selling them the information they need to perform specified tasks better, cheaper or faster.
    Your primary business model may require one-on-one consulting time that you can’t provide to everyone. Let’s face it; you’re not Santa Claus. You can’t magically provide personal service to all the good boys and girls out there. By selling your informational product you can reach an infinite number of customers…and help them.
  3. Selling your information allows prospects to take you or your company for a test drive. Consider it a sample. Allowing people to buy some of your expertise may lead them to engage your service further. In addition, some people who thought they were do-it-yourselfers will realize–once they get under the hood–that they really need the help of an expert…like the one who wrote the e-book they’re currently reading.’

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