Top 5 Litmos Posts of 2008

Top 5 Litmos Posts of 2008Here are the Litmos Top 5 Blog Posts of 2008 as determined by our comprehensive analytics process (also known as Google Analytics):



It seems like Gen Y is the trainers talk of 2008, and I’m sure that will carry on right in to the new year because one thing’s for certain, Gen Y will continue to make their presence felt!

The future of Web 2.0 was (and still is) a hot topic on the web and Rich Chetwynd’s post received attention from around the globe for his thoughts on the direction of Web 3.0.

But high on our list of priorities for 2008 was to successfully lead the way in training with the launch of high-quality streaming video – which we did – and we are continuing to show the training industry how it’s done!