Training to Help Manage Health and Safety Concerns

managing workplace response to COVID-19 coronavirus

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The global spread of COVID-19 raises uncharted health and safety concerns for organizations.

Many companies are choosing to keep their physical locations closed through at least the end of 2020. However, a percentage of organizations are beginning to re-open under strict new policies, as restrictions lift in some geographies. Prior to these transitions occurring, employers must assess how to meet health and safety obligations in their region, and how to keep their workers, customers, and partners safe.

Workers’ rights and employers’ obligations haven’t changed. Every worker has the right to a safe and healthy work environment. It’s up to employers to provide such a workplace. This means identifying hazards and managing the risks they create as best as possible.

Safety starts with training

The risk of exposure to a global pandemic at work is a health and safety risk that most companies did not anticipate. Rapid pivots and swift agility has been required, and many companies have done this quite adeptly. There’s always room to improve, however, and training is key to continually adapting to the changing circumstances of this crisis.

To assist your efforts, Litmos created the New Adaptivity Academy, which is a free resource full of learning content for for teams, leaders, and employees adapting to the new realities of business. It includes learning paths such as Managing a Return to the Workplace, Respect and Safety Back at Work, and Well-being for a Better Working Life. We hope you take advantage of this content as it’s freely available until September 30, 2020.

Relevant training content you can use now

The content team at Litmos has worked diligently with our subject matter experts (SMEs) to bring you the most up-to-date advice on managing COVID-19-related workplace safety risks. Our global network of SMEs has extensive in-country expertise applying health and safety law in a broad range of organizations, giving you peace-of-mind that our content is legally sound, relevant, and practical.

In the online training course catalog, you’ll now find updated general health and safety courses for the U.S., U.K., Australia, and New Zealand, as well as updated hygiene courses. The country-specific courses now also include general advice on managing workplace exposure to COVID-19.

Among the updated courses are:

As some workers return to the workplace and organizations adjust to operating in a global pandemic, this is the ideal time to roll out online health and safety training. Reminding workers about their rights and obligations in these areas has never been more important.

We encourage you to make sure your people practice hand and respiratory hygiene, safe distancing, and increased cleanliness. These simple practices can go a long way in safeguarding your operation and keeping your community safe. Please also follow expert advice from your local authorities and make sure you offer the most up-to-date versions of the general health and safety course for your region.

Wishing you good health!