Building a professional web-based training platform
Once you’ve setup your training business on Litmos you really want to direct trainees to tidy customized login page where they can go and complete the training. A customized login page gives your training platform a more professional feel by having your logo and branding.
It’s easy… When you sign up for a Litmos trial account you will automatically be issued a custom login link based on your organization name.
You can also change this link in the “Accounts” area of Litmos to something else if you choose to.
Existing Customers
For all of the existing users of Litmos your custom login page will automatically available base on your old login link. You don’t need to change anything and it just works!!
Previously you would access your training platform using the following link
now you can access it from
This is much easier to remember and adds to the professional look of your training courses.