Learning Technologies Green Room
I was having a browse around today and found a cool initiative from eLearning specialists Kineo. It’s called the Learning Technologies Green Room. They’ve got together with some eLearning stars like Jane Hart, Jay Cross and Don Taylor to answer a few simple questions related to the industry.
Here’s a great quote I transcribed from one of the videos by Kirstie Donnelly, Director of Products and Marketing at Learndirect Business out of the UK:
“To make eLearning successful and to make it beneficial both for the participant and the company themselves you have to put the learner at the heart. And one of the mistakes that I’ve seen time and time again from companies and businesses that invest in training and development, is they’re not clear from the beginning about what their objectives are.
If you can be absolutely clear and upfront about what it is you want to achieve, what it is you’re looking to see as a return, and you then put the learner right at the heart of that process and consult with the learner about what they’re going to get out of it and how to design it around their needs, then that is when some of the most best learning, and effective learning, takes place.”
So there you go, start communicating with your trainees and students, find out what they want to get out of it too!